
Do you believe in star signs

@Akbar2thegreat said in #26
> Though Science doesn't accept this but it doesn't mean it is not true. Also, science is not supreme. There have been supernatural incidents seen before which go well above the head of science. Even science can't answer many things hence comparing particular thing to science is nonsense.
No, thats wrong. Science can prove everything if there is enough given information. So, technically it is Supreme. In the supernatural cases you are talking about, there's probably misinformation or lack of information

> Just laugh your whole life thinking you are correct which isn't the case.
Know what, considering my certainty along with Science, I really dig the odds that it's you, who is thinking that he is correct which isn't the case.
@Thalassokrator said in #27:
> Uh, the COVID-19 pandemic, as the name might suggest, began in 2019. So what you're saying is that the ancient text was wrong. That's what you're saying, right?
Did it cause havoc in 2019?
Certainly not, and the astrology lives up to the prediction.
@Katzenschinken said in #29:
> What anomaly? Stars don't move in human timescales (apart from very few stars like Barnard's Star) so they always stay in the same position. And planets are moving in a completely predictable way, determined by the Kepler laws.
The system of positioning of various stars in universe as observed from Earth. The astrologers may havw found stars to be differently positioning when earthquake strikes every time, hence it's not yet predictable: The only calamity which humans can't predict. And people were far more intelligent in those time era than today.

> This is all made-up stuff by superstitious people that has no founding in reality.
Come on, superstition is different than astrology. Superstitions is clearly false belief as proved by humans themselves.

> Again: Astrologers are just watching stars and planets under a certain angle - celestial bodies that had been chosen only by one measure: they must be known to man - and if these angles have a certain relation to each other - determined by completely random rules made-up by astrology - they think they can predict events happening from that. This is just laughable.
There was no means to measure angles thenso this claim is baseless and hence nullified.

> If astrology was only being close to true there should be some natural laws from which you could deduct that maybeeee there is something to it. There isn't. Nothing whatsoever!
There's nothing purely natural. Even nature fails sometimes so it's not supreme element of universe.

> Science can't answer all questions. But it is the best tool we have to get close to the truth. And the best tool by a long shot.
Only in present time, science is good. But it has falied numerous times and comparing incidents with science doesn't make sense. Though currently nothing is better than science, it doesn't necessarily mean it's the best means in history of all time either.

> Did you ever hear about the James Randi Challenge? For about 50 years the magician James Randi had a challenge for all the self-declared psychics, astrologists and other bullshitters who claimed to have supernatural powers like predicting the future, reading other people's mind etc. He put up a prize which finally was 1 Million Dollars and anyone who could show him his supernatural powers under close supervision would get the money. And as Randy was a magician himself he knew all the tricks.
> Guess what? Everyone who tried to cash in the Million Dollars failed. Miserably. Randi never had to pay the prize money.
Lol, never heard of that before! People failed in front of him because of self conscious and pressure to perform. There are many thugs for are for money but astrology is something that hasn't been proven wrong either. And don't compare with science (scientifically), it's not best means either.

> There are astrologers who know astrology doesn't work. They are basically fraudsters. The others who doesn't know that are basically morons.
There are many I agree. But there's difference between superstition and astrology which many people unsurprisingly don't know about. Astrology isn't wrong either.
@george_mcgeorge said in #30:
> Akbar, couldn't you just leave an arguement in one thread? Do you have to argue with everything I say? Like a stalker? Please, don't do that. It's just a waste of time and energy.
People have superstitious of judging things wrongly. I just make them understand whole picture to help them out in order to improve their thinking about the world. I don't stalk anyone unless one person repeatedly say false things.
@Mantram_PateL said in #31:
> No, thats wrong. Science can prove everything if there is enough given information. So, technically it is Supreme. In the supernatural cases you are talking about, there's probably misinformation or lack of information
That's your personal opinion not universal. Who told you that science is supreme? God? Then it's contradiction. Loop continues! There has to be some supreme element (which actually is God) else Earth would not have existed. Just read all that stuff if you haven't.
Technically, science isn't best though.
It's shown that science fails at even common things. I will share those sources which I had saved before later by finding in my phone.

> Know what, considering my certainty along with Science, I really dig the odds that it's you, who is thinking that he is correct which isn't the case.
I am neither correct nor Supreme but science isn't either. Else show a proof that science is supreme. And every one calls themselves true so it (proof) shouldn't be from Science itself!
@Akbar2thegreat said in #34:
> The system of positioning of various stars in universe as observed from Earth. The astrologers may havw found stars to be differently positioning when earthquake strikes every time, hence it's not yet predictable: The only calamity which humans can't predict.

Am I understanding you right here and you are suggesting that when an earthquake happens then a planet or a star is not at the position where it was supposed to be according to celestial motion laws? That Jupiter or Saturn could be 50 million kilometers further on their orbit or jumped to another orbit around the Sun than Kepler would tell the astronomers it should be?

And in case I understood you correctly: Are you fucking serious? Do you realize that astronomers are looking at the sky all the time and that if a planet jumped his orbit every astronomer worth his salt would go into a frenzy? That this would make headlines in every scientific journal?

> And people were far more intelligent in those time era than today.

That's just BS. Apart from your claim (which is just that: a claim without any merits) astronomy is about knowledge. And the Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks etc. just didn't have the knowledge of today. Which is not their fault but neither does it allow you to make such absurd claims.

> Come on, superstition is different than astrology.

Astrology IS superstition.

> There was no means to measure angles thenso this claim is baseless and hence nullified.

BS. You clearly never heard of Erastothenes who in 300 BC measured the angle under which the Sun shines on the surface of the Earth at midday at different places and calculated the diameter of the Earth with 5% accuracy from his measurements. 2300 years ago!

BTW: How does your claim go along with your other claim that people of ancient times were so much cleverer than people of today?

> Lol, never heard of that before! People failed in front of him because of self conscious and pressure to perform.

The Randi Challenge was up for 50 years. Enough time for a determined psychic or astrologist to get his act together and earn a lot more money than by conning gullible people.

> but astrology is something that hasn't been proven wrong either.

It has:
@clousems said in #37:
>’re smarter than science?
Definitely not but it itself isn't correct either. And who's gonna judge science, I guess only God (real supreme entity) can do so.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #35:
> I don't stalk anyone unless one person repeatedly say false things.
So you're admitting to stalking someone.

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