

2140 • Sidattack243 •
  1. Sidattack243
  2. justcallme_ak

35 Gambits

1933 • knightjayjay •
  1. Vienna Gambit
  2. Stafford Gambit
  3. Albin Counter Gambit
  4. Benko Gambit
  1. knightjayjay

Sicilian Defense

1608 • andrewtsiri •
  1. Intro and Starting Position
  2. Pros and Cons
  3. Closed Variation
  4. Open Variation
  1. lkath
  2. giannis2011
  3. s567th
  4. olympia2008

Crush 1.e4 with the Caro-Kann! Full Repertoire!

1084 • ST123_stsoham_Chess •
  1. What is Caro-Kann and what are we going to learn in this study?
  2. Section 1: Mainlines!
  3. Exchange Variation
  4. Panov-Botvinnik Attack, Fianchetto Gambit!
  1. ST123_stsoham_Chess

Stafford Gambit

917 • wyggam •
  1. Stafford Gambit accepted : Overview
  2. Stafford Gambit : The Big trap - 5. d3 Bc5 6. Bg5
  3. Stafford Gambit : 5. e5 Ne4 6. d4
  4. Stafford Gambit : 5. e5 Ne4 6. d3
  1. Z0r0astre
  2. wyggam

CRUSH 1. e4! | Nimzowitsch Defense

762 • Bosburp •
  1. == Introduction ==
  2. Section 1: 3. d5 Linksspringer Variation
  3. Linksspringer Variation 3. d5 with 4. c4
  4. Linksspringer Variation 3. d5 with 4. f4?
  1. Bosburp

The Budapest Gambit

422 • themystery123 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Main line: the Adler variation
  3. Rare sideline: the Rubenstein variation
  1. themystery123

The Dutch Defense! (Beat 1.d4)

288 • Chess16723 •
  1. Intro
  2. Part 1: The Mainline (2. c4 3. Nc3)
  3. Bd3/Bg5
  4. Important info about the study (CHECK BEFORE GOING FURTHER)
  1. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974
  2. Chess16723

Caro-Kann Advance Variation In Depth

233 • premStudy •
  1. Advance Variation(defends d4): Be2 after Nf3
  2. Advance Variation(defends d4): Bb5 after Nf3
  3. Advance Variation(defends d4): Be3 before Nf3
  4. Advance Variation(defends d4): Bb5 before Nf3
  1. premStudy

Stafford Gambit

159 • SaikumarBali •
  1. Stafford Gambit accepted : Overview
  2. Stafford Gambit : The Big trap - 5. d3 Bc5 6. Bg5
  3. Stafford Gambit : 5. e5 Ne4 6. d4
  4. Stafford Gambit : 5. e5 Ne4 6. d3
  1. SaikumarBali

Scandinavian: Portuguese variation, Icelandic, Ross Gambit

99 • Cadorna100 •
  2. Portuguese Variation
  3. The Quiet 4.Be2: ...Bxe2 5.Nxe2?!
  1. Cadorna100
  2. onirix_crono

Crush 1. e4 with the Scandinavian 2.0!

98 • Chess16723 •
  1. Intro
  2. Intro to second edition
  3. Part 1: 3. d4 Central Variation
  4. Banker Variation 4. f3 5. c4?!
  1. Chess16723

The Rozman French

92 • Calamity34 •
  1. The Introduction
  2. Advance Variation: 3. e5
  3. Exchange Variation 1: 3. exd5 exd5, 4. Nf3
  4. Exchange Variation 2: 3. exd5 exd5, 4. c4
  1. Calamity34

Anti-Sicilians Repertoire

92 • FunnyAnimatorJimTV •
  1. Intro
  2. Smith Morra ...e6 a6 Nge7
  3. Smith Morra ...Bb4
  4. Smith Morra ...d6
  1. LapinChess
  2. FunnyAnimatorJimTV

CRUSH 1. e4 with this WEAPON (How to Play the Portuguese)

86 • Chess16723 •
  1. Intro
  2. Part 1: 3. d4
  3. 4. f3 5. c4?! White's greed will be punished
  4. 7. d5?
  1. Chess16723

DRILL the English (1.c4) with the Drill Variation!

84 • Chess16723 •
  1. Intro
  2. Important information (check before moving on)
  3. Part 1: 2. g3
  4. 3. Bg2
  1. Chess16723