
Israel [Zionists] bomb Beirut in Lebanon and assassinated صالح العاروري Salih Al3aruri

@Mopman said in #40:
> Disproportionate response. Can you say with absolute certainty that given the firepower and ability Hamas would not do the same thing to Israel that is happening to Gaza?
> In war all humans will use the weapons they have, unless they fear retaliation.
In war they use the weapons they have to achieve their goals
It isn't in their benefit to waste munitions (reason why hamas is just an excuse to the genocide because if their goal was to hit hamas they wouldn't use these weapons in such a way)
Their goal is freedom
Killing civilians doesn't benefit them unlike the idf who benefits in someway to it
And again it goes to the religious factor also
If they are muslims they aren't Killing civilians (dont give me the example of Shia because my answer is clear)
In Islam Killing civilians is haram in judism it is another story

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