
Need Daily and Hourly Classical Arena Tournaments

@kosu said in #10:
> 15+15, 20+5, or 25+0 etc. Typically, there is no time trouble in either of these time controls in my experience
Your experience differs from mine... a lot. :-)
If your goal is to play in tournaments with similar time controls to rapid, have you considered just playing rapid?
These are classical time controls. Even 5+30 is classical as per lichess. I agree with that since we get to think deeper with these time controls.

As pointed out earlier, weekly classical draws thousands. Daily/weekday classical even if they draw a fraction of those, it will be worthwhile.

I wish lichess provides these tourneys. I believe it doesn't hurt trying out before jumping into conclusions. I rest my case. Thanks all for your view points and ideas. Please feel free to continue this discussion.
Classical fits more in the swiss format, as in all the classical arenas most will berserk, as the goal in arena is to win as fast as possible.

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