
May/June activities

Hello everyone,

I hope the three week break since the end of our last tournament has given us all the chance to lick our wounds and to nurse our bruised egos back to health. I for one am ready for more punishment and so will be online next Thursday (May 6) at 7pm EDT to meet any of you that are interested.

For the next few weeks I propose informal evenings of games played at the same time control we used for our last event (15+10). This speed allows more than a single game in an evening which is something that most of you had asked for. We will do the pairings on the fly roughly following swiss pairing rules (winners play winners, losers play losers). For a bit of variety, we may throw in a blitz tournament one evening as well.

Summer rhythms are different and I can't make any commitment to Thursdays beyond June 17th. I expect the same applies to many of you. This means that there will not be another formal event until September. I am going to try between now and then to find ways to promote tournaments beyond our little group. A wider variety of opponents will be more interesting for all of us and hopefully an event this fall will be able to offer that.


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