
Hemmingford Chess Club Info

The Hemmingford Chess Club meets most Thursday evenings between 7 pm and 10 pm (Montreal's time zone) both online and in person (in non-pandemic times) at the Hemmingford Library or at the home of one of our members. We typically play friendly games among ourselves, analyze one of our games or take a look at a master game, an opening or an ending together.

If you would like to join us please create a free account on the platform and join the Hemmingford Chess Club team at If you log on to the platform on a Thursday evening go to our club room and let us know you are there in the chat : We will be sure that you get to play a game and participate in whatever activity we have on that evening. On the same page you will also find a link to a Google Meeting that will allow us to chat and depending on the quality of your internet connection, to see each other, as we play or analyse a game.

We also offer occasional teaching sessions for young/beginning players at the Hemmingford Library or online. Watch this blog for announcements of these events.

If we can establish a regular enough group online we are hoping to be able to invite a master to give us a simultaneous exhibition and/or a lecture on a topic of interest to everyone.

We are looking forward to seeing you Thursday evening !

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