
Search "user:Rollator"

10 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Nakamura is a bad loser#1

wait for Nakamuras reaction after the game

Lichess Feedback - Periodes of time in Chess Insights#3

thanks Bonifratz. I'm really looking forward to this feature. Huge compliment to Thibault!

Lichess Feedback - Periodes of time in Chess Insights#1

Is there a way to get the calculations of Chess Insight for a certain period of time like "show me how i performed the last week"?

General Chess Discussion - Should I feel bad for not accepting take backs?#16

i usually don't accept takebacks but if i see that it's a obvious mouseslip i do.

Off-Topic Discussion - What do you know about 2pac?#21

he named himself after the last Sapa Inka Tupac Amaru

General Chess Discussion - free your mind#1

Wow, i stoped smoking weed two weeks ago and i achieved to get more than 1700 rating points for the very first time. And still i feel like my skills are becoming better every day. So watch out, all yo…

General Chess Discussion - mental preparation befor the game#17

Thanks for all your answers! I will try to engage in soul-searching instead of just starting a game in the future. #14 indeed, i should also stop playing stoned.. incredible blunders but fun.

General Chess Discussion - mental preparation befor the game#1

Hi guys, i wondered what you do before starting a game to focus on it and increase your concentration. Do you practice some kind of meditation or do you allready consider certain issues which may come…

Lichess Feedback - Time before forfeit on 1st move in tournaments#11

the same lag happend to me twice in the last week and my ping was allright.
