
Search "user:Relx"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Friends List#40

@Ugalde his profile says he is currently "on the road".

Lichess Feedback - Missing option to change core count on analysis board#1

In the past I have seen the option to change the number of cores used in the WASM based stockfish analysis board. Lately on chrome at least this appears to be missing, bringing my NPS from 5-6 million…

Lichess Feedback - Add support for PGN clock timing?#1

I just saw this feature added I import all of my games on lichess to analyze and it would be neat if lichess was able to read the clocks in a pgn. Here is an example of a pgn from the share…

Lichess Feedback - Right click issue#2

Just wanted to say that I've been having the same issue and also find it really annoying. Came to the forums to say something. Let's hope they fix this soon.
