
Right click issue

If I remember correctly, right clicking while holding a piece canceled the move (it puts the piece back to its original position). Now when I right click, the browser context menu shows up instead. Has something changed during the last 24 hours? I tried this on chrome and firefox and the results were the same. This is extremely inconvenient. What could be the cause of this behavior?
Just wanted to say that I've been having the same issue and also find it really annoying. Came to the forums to say something. Let's hope they fix this soon.
im also having the same issue, its super annoying as i have a habit of spamming the move cancel while playing. Any fix would be appreciated as i find it almost unplayable right now.
Guys, try this:

right click, inspect, event listeners, context menu, remove.

It works sometimes. Anyone good with javascript? Maybe we can find a workaround.
This is also happening to me. When I inspect, I don't see an option for "context menu." Hope this is resolved soon.

Edit: So I think this only happens when you right-click while hovering over a legal square. I dunno if that helps anyone, but it's something.
And to me. Its distracting and i hate this :)
I second this, I always used right click to drop a piece to its original position. Now, I get the contextual menu, and the piece is moved to the place where I right clicked.

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