
BUG? simul participants disappear after registration

I have set up a simul for our club set to be held next weekend here: A couple of team members signed up and when I returned to the page a couple of hours later their registrations had disappeared. Later on the same day four more participants signed up and by the next morning their registrations had disappeared as well. Doing some tests with the accounts of a couple of friends I was able to see registrations appear and then disappear within several minutes. It does not seem to matter whether the participant has been accepted into the simul or not. OTOH, one participant's registration seems to persist.

Are there conditions being applied to simul registrations that are not documented that we should know about in order to manage these correctly ? Does the fact that the event was scheduled for a week in the future have any bearing on the behaviour ? Setting up an event with another account did not seem to experience the same issues. Are simuls treated differently for different accounts (number of games, blog posts or other activity) ?

It would be great to resolve this issue or be given a workaround in the next few days as we have recruited an IM for this event and really don't want the embarrassment of having to explain to him that the platform behaves capriciously. Especially as so much else on lichess is so good.

An extra question on how simuls function: Is there a simple way for the person giving the simul to pass from one game to another without having to either return constantly to the simul home page or to open a separate browser tab for each game ? A bit in the way an OTB simul works where the person makes their move and immediately moves on to the next board.

Thanks for looking at this and thanks for all the work that goes into this platform.

>Is there a simple way for the person giving the simul to pass from one game to another without having to either return constantly to the simul home page or to open a separate browser tab for each game

There is an autoswitch option.

Iirc, Players who leave the simul page, are removed from the list. Which makes a lot of sense for public simuls, as non-movers kinda break the clock balance. I understand that this does not quite fit with how you are trying to use the feature through. So maybe things could do with a rethink on how this works.
Thank you @TBest. This is exactly the information I needed to understand how the simul functionality works. I can work around this with no difficulty. Would be nice if this were documented somewhere obvious when you set up a simul but I suppose my use case is not that common.

Thanks too for the autoswitch info.


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