

If you just follow the game of chess on twitch and check on it periodically, you'll see lots of lower rated streamers. You may even see me one of these days.
I stream some at twich my bullet games (2+0) and my elo is between 1500/1700…
I think is fun to watch low player… We can help them.
Sometimes I saw Kingscrusher-YouTube stream is bullet games (1+0) and its fun to see how fast he is but I can’t understand is moves because is too fast for me, not for been bullet (1+0) but by Kingscrusher-YouTube knowledge of chess… I also play 1+0 game against him and was fun.
Many times I think what’s the point for a player that plays usually blitz or slow games to watch Kingscrusher-YouTube bullet or anyone like him.
I think there are more low elo player, player like me, that high player so maybe, its has a good idea to have also low elo players stream… and also people that like slow times control
Yes, I watch lower-rated streamers all the time. It's fun to encourage/help/root for them, too.
I say anybody who wants to should go for it, and that goes for anything, not just streaming.
what about novice chess on youtube?
he's a decent player but hasn't cracked 1900+
bloody good streamer though.
tbh i don't even know chess coordinates,
NoviceChess does not do live streams, only YouTube videos... this topic is about live-streamers, on or (recommended).

These players are all under 1500. All of them are successful(ish) Twitch livestreamers. I'm sure there are many more, these are just some I could think of off the top of my head. You don't have to be great to stream. If it sounds like fun, go for it! I have a great time doing it regardless of how my games go. I love being able to entertain others. I say get OBS, figure out a layout that works for you, and try to have fun with it! :)
Impressive list. Although I doubt they are all under 1500, I wasn't aware that weaker players stream.

I'm sure that the better you are, the more successful you will be, as I've only heard of 4 of those guys.

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