
Search "user:wazzbot"

12 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Does anyone else get songs constantly running through their heads?#21

Badger badger badger badger badger mushroom mushroom!

Off-Topic Discussion - Best Video Game In The World#6

Snake or bubble bobble

General Chess Discussion - Tactic vs estrategy#16

Good tactics come out of good strategy.

General Chess Discussion - The man who knew Too much . Dr Siegbert Tarrasch#17

@NeoAurelius said in #12: > No not really. It would be more accurate to say that inaction is a choice amongst a wide variety of choices that are mostly other forms of action. Inaction itself is the op…

General Chess Discussion - The man who knew Too much . Dr Siegbert Tarrasch#2

It is definitely a co-incidence. You think the creators of chess tweaked the ruleset in order to create a game that had roughly the same number of moves as years in our lives? What's so special about …

Off-Topic Discussion - 0 + 0 + ... = ?#35

Maths is at its absolute least interesting when it's arguing over definitions.

Game analysis - Excellent move by black Queen#5

This is a fairly common theme in tactics puzzles, do more tactics puzzles and you will see these come up live in games. Think of them as back-rank checkmates 1.1.

Game analysis - In case you haven't met them already, let me introduce to you a pretty cool dude#1

Name of 'Budapest Rook'. Didn't capture any pieces, never actually checked the white king, but the rest of the white pieces were effectively playing defence and distraction so that they could land on …

Off-Topic Discussion - Hot sauces#5

I saw coffee hot sauce featured on a james hoffmann youtube clip and now i'd really like to find the stuff.

Off-Topic Discussion - Anyone know how to do calculus?#12

On a straight line, of the form y=mx+c, the gradient is easy to work out - it's simply defined as the difference in y between any two points divided by the difference in x between the same two points,…
