
Search "user:petri999"

2397 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - The longest chess game on Lichess#2

searching the forum would have given the answer. There is max move limit of 300 and there are several games (most likely artificial) which you can find links for by using the forum search

General Chess Discussion - Lichess rating vs FIDE rating using a Data Science approach!#2 that is by far best comparison. There are several others. This is obviously before fide rating correcti…

General Chess Discussion - Why does my time run out faster?#2

I guess you opponent is pre-moving i.e anticipating you move and making his even before you have done yours.

General Chess Discussion - Takebacks#6

That hardly is the truth... Truth close more along the lines: resign button is highly preferred over takeback. Clicking correct square is rather simple given the size of the chess board. I do understa…

General Chess Discussion - Points for win or loss#2

Glicko algorithm version 2. Please see for instance the wikipedia

General Chess Discussion - How the hell is this endgame WINNING for White????#10

Conventional theory has shortcoming that it compiled by human analysis which by necessity means it is limited. It must assume some fixed procedure to be analyzable. While backtracking from end positio…

General Chess Discussion - How the hell is this endgame WINNING for White????#9

8/2Nr4/4Kp2/4pN2/4Pk2/8/8/8 w - - 0 53 the position I saw on boad and table base gives Kxd7 as winning move. in actual game hitting win Kn is drawn.

Lichess Feedback - Move Time Limit#2

must have connection a connection failure. Are you did not see connection failure notification.

General Chess Discussion - How the hell is this endgame WINNING for White????#6

no it is not a draw. higly academic issued but 7 piece table base says it is winnable it really is. In practice far and few between can really win this

General Chess Discussion - AI assistants and Chess cheating#13

@Kartoffelfork said in #11: > If I ask chatGPT to give me a formula to summon ghosts it refutes, due to that it's not a thing to joke with and it could harm the feelings of people. That property of th…
