
Search "user:leid24"

4 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - So many accounts with 3000+ rating that dont have title#15

@Eireahmhon said in #8: > Those 3000+ accounts are not bots. They are titled players that want to remain anonymous. 100% especially considering how most have >300 rated games in their accounts.

General Chess Discussion - Is your rating going down in ultrabullet because your time ran out talk to me.#20

ub is unique in that its arguably more luck based than any other mode. just try and prepare an unconvential opening to baffle your opponents, and hopefully, make them run out of time.

General Chess Discussion - Comment progresser en blitz ?#4

votre niveau est principalement basé sur la tactique, tout en évitant les erreurs instantanées. J'ai jeté un œil à quelques-uns de vos jeux et j'ai remarqué que votre plus grande faiblesse est probabl…

General Chess Discussion - What determines starting ELO?#4

I mean ive seen 1500? start a LOT of correspondence games in one day. Then, they unsurprisingly win ALL of them cuz they r prolly higher. They gain up to 2200, or even up to 2400 by just those startin…
