
Search "user:Vladimir_Shchuka"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Authentication by Phone prevents fake and cheater accounts#3

1) There is no free services. 2) Each system might be broken ,with mobile it is harder. 3) it is your choice, donate or authorize the phone, don't want ,all stays the same as before And I would add: I…

Lichess Feedback - Authentication by Phone prevents fake and cheater accounts#1

Hello. I have an idea but maybe it is already discussed. Problem: Cheaters and fake accounts. It is not fear If you are GM or IM you can play only with titled players and you believe that they are not…

Lichess Feedback - Arena draw algorithm when 2 leaders do not play against each other#3

Actually I agree with it, Might be other way around. But we are talking about the winner. And in the case above, KingCrusher can't say that he lost arena because of.... what? He played with the leader…

Lichess Feedback - Arena draw algorithm when 2 leaders do not play against each other#1

Hi I see a problem in an arena draw algorithm. For example there was arena 1min+1sec and two leaders were not playing against each other. I mean maybe should be…
