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5236 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Lichess TV by rating#2

The following link has games sorted by rating.

General Chess Discussion - What is the problem with my blitz?#5

We tend to forget skills learned, if not used.

General Chess Discussion - Related to

If the grass is greener on the other sites, go over there to ask your questions.

General Chess Discussion - What is the problem with my blitz?#3

Look at your chess insights and see if you play at the same spend no-matter the time given. If that is the case, than you are losing because you are not taking your time. Without knowing someone or sh…

Lichess Feedback - Me without time, but the opponent not enough material to check mate.#10

Where is the game link. Unsubscribing, wasting my time.

General Chess Discussion - What is the problem with my blitz?#2

Lichess Feedback - Me without time, but the opponent not enough material to check mate.#8

Where is the game link? The exception in Article 6.9 does not apply, because there was material to checkmate, but the clock ran out. So the player that ran out of time lost and did not draw. If a play…

Lichess Feedback - Me without time, but the opponent not enough material to check mate.#4

If there were no consequences to running out of time, the entire concept of using a clock would be meaningless.

Community Blog Discussions - Cheating: Trust and Traitors in Chess#72

Because, because, and because are often the answers to many questions. You don't tell everything to a baby, a child, a teen, an adult, or even elders. Each human must be treated according to their lev…

General Chess Discussion - Have you ever played a game with the board flipped?#6

Playing the chess pieces from the opposite side of the chessboard is like parking a vehicle in reverse. The real difference is the car is ready to move forward, while the pawns are stuck in reverse. O…
