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134 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - My obsession#29

This post in a nutshell: Waaaa 😭😭😭😭😭 someone on the internet insulted my PM, how could they think of criticizing someone I admire😭😭😭 and another person called me a kid 😭😭😭😭 and then he blo…

Off-Topic Discussion - Cool stuff#12

@HorseyIsBest He literally said "I like fishing", how could you disagree with that? If he said something like "Fishing is the best" then it would have been justified.

Off-Topic Discussion - rainbow flag#25

Huh? Then why do you want players to change their flag? There is nothing wrong with supporting or being LGBTQ

Off-Topic Discussion - I need suggestion#7

@anuj_guin Watch Daniel Naroditsky's speedrun series on Youtube, it is very instructive. Also play rapid until you are good enough a judge a position fast.

Off-Topic Discussion - rainbow flag#22

@dOnYa1386 What's your problem with people having the flag exactly? It is not inappropriate in anyway.

Off-Topic Discussion - Cool stuff#9

Ok why is the first comment disliked? Just because you don't agree with someone personal preference?

Off-Topic Discussion - Nowdays ,ithink online chess players are most strong players and plays stonger than any GMs#7

I doubt this is a cheater, he is playing in bullet I think he is just a strong player smurfing.

Off-Topic Discussion - Nowdays ,ithink online chess players are most strong players and plays stonger than any GMs#5

@Subhajit_Ghosh Use to report someone.

Game analysis - introducing: an new gambit! So bad that you can get checkmated in three moves!#3

The point of a gambit is to get some sort of compensation so this isn't really a gambit.

Game analysis - How do you assess this typical Sicilian position?#7

Although White looks better here, it is not easy to consolidate the position. Black has several plans including Nd7-Nc5 like @piscatorox said. But the plan of Kd7 Rc3 Ne4 can be refuted easily by play…
