
Search "user:Obadiah"

6 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Private Video cam in chat#5

Im going to inquire for a paid option. I would not mind paying for the option.

Lichess Feedback - Private Video cam in chat#4

Too bad. After you establish friendships here, it would be nice to have that ability here. If you play chess here, and not somewhere else. Thanks.

Lichess Feedback - Private Video cam in chat#1

Are there any plans to add a private video cam option in the chat room. Lichess has a phone. A video cam would be great.

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Lichess Feedback - Phone App Bug - Move Delay in Preview#1

If I make a move during my correspondence games. When I return, the move I made will not be current until I tap that the screen and go from game preview to engaged. It used to be current. - The previe…

Lichess Feedback - Game Completion Rate?#1

I noticed that I have a 17% game completion rate. Im confused about that. Is this based on the fact that my games are mostly correspondence games? In which I exit the browser on my phone app frequentl…
