
Search "user:KnightDrac"

65 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - How to unsubscribe from work and stress?#4

@george_mcgeorge said in #3: > Meditate, breathing excercises, get enough rest, maybe plan some vacation in a mild environment, care for yourself a little more. > One key thing to realize, is that it …

Off-Topic Discussion - How to unsubscribe from work and stress?#1

Stress is a thing. I want to unsubscribe from it. How?

Off-Topic Discussion - Memes and Jokes#1

I'm bored and need all the memes and jokes you've got, throw em at me!

Off-Topic Discussion - Choose what not to be#1

If you could choose 1 thing in life what would you chose NOT to be?

Off-Topic Discussion - Hi, you can read right?#5

@Apurbo_sarker said in #4: > You see. I am blind.So I don't. > I can't read or write due to being blind and all that. > But your I liked your off topic discussion very much. I could just smell it thro…

Off-Topic Discussion - Hi, you can read right?#1

This is it just hi no crazy information just hi ;)

Off-Topic Discussion - Lymphatic System#3

@george_mcgeorge said in #2: > Who is anyone? And more importantly, does anyone know the London System? And does anyone use the Metric System? anyone can be anyone if your anyone

Off-Topic Discussion - Lymphatic System#1

Anyone know anything about the Lymphatic System? Just wanna know what other people know. (Try not to use google)

General Chess Discussion - I have a question?#8

@risky-chess said in #2: > Advertising your team is against Lichess Terms of Service. Ok thanks for telling me before i made a mistake

General Chess Discussion - I have a question?#1

Am i able to post my team on a forum to get people to join it or is it against lichesses terms of service? I forgot just wanna know.
