
Is cereal soup?

Me and my friend were having an intense discussion about this today :/ I need your guys' opinions
Absolutely not.

Soup is liquid. Cereal is grain. Grain is solid.

End of discussion.
İ think its a cold soup,soup is a liquid base meal that is created by mixing different ingredients
If someone says it is because milk is liquid and cereal solid it would be wrong because pizza would also be a soup following that same logic
@NTRlover_69 said in #5:
> If someone says it is because milk is liquid and cereal solid it would be wrong because pizza would also be a soup following that same logic

Sorry but you dont know what your talking abaut
@Oportunist said in #6:
> Sorry but you dont know what your talking abaut
A good pizza has tomato sauce right?
It is a liquid and idk for example a margarita(i'm spanish idk how it's called in Italian) has basil (albahaca in spanish)and it is solid
So if someone says a bowl of cereal is a soup a pizza it's also a soup
soup is usually the product of a cooking process that results in a liquid mass with some solid or semi-solid times in it. It can be eaten cold, but it's the finished product of a cooking process that's eaten cold. Cold breakfast cereal isn't cooked, it's just soupy because you add the liquid to it. (Really soupy if I remember how my brother used to like it) Pizza, the tomato sauce dries during baking so by the time it's done it's dry, or at most sticky. I haven't seen anyone eat pizza with a spoon. Even my brother didn't eat cold breakfast cereal with his fingers. Not after pouring the milk in. Not that I know of, anyways.
@kit_kat1122 said in #1:
> Me and my friend were having an intense discussion about this today :/ I need your guys' opinions

You're telling me this now that I think bread is cereal? Seriously! ;-P

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