
Off topic is dead right now:(

I think a lot of people bare muted. I wonder if LICHESS has stats on how many ppl are muted
@CollinEdward said in #21:
> I think a lot of people bare muted. I wonder if LICHESS has stats on how many ppl are muted
Ofc they could count, just as much as we could go from a-z on lichess usernamea :D
@Akbar2thegreat said in #19:
> Nice away to advertise one's thread!
> Every thread receives a deserving attention with respect to how good is it.
Absurd. By that logic, within the recent threads, the ones deserving the most attention would be (in that order):

Is anyone here supporting China in their dispute against Taiwan? (73 replies at the time of writing)
Are schools really necessary (64)
Only Buddhists go to heaven (59)
What do you hate the most (57)
Ukrainians are nice (stop the war) (55)
What is your fav song (54)
Why lichess closed LGBT+ forum? (53)
Your favourite moderator on lichess (53)
Take a Poll// Is it time now to block Russian Chess players from playing Chess at Lichess? (53)
RIP technoblade (52)
Every country people will be comment on this post (51)
I&P -11: obladie messed up the numbering system (50)
Stopping hate against gay/LGBTQ (49)
Who has the most forum posts on Lichess (49)
How to get away from sadness (48)
Some hymns I've written (48)
What day/days do you hate (47)
What is your favourite variant on Lichess (47)
Something you hate (personal dislike) (44)
Today's wordle (43)
Why Is Police Brutality Endemic in India? (42)
Tell me a joke (40)
How much is the longest you have held your breath? (40)
Toughest question in the world (38)
Why is 5+5=10 (37)
If you wake up one day and find its 2030... (37)
Anyone who wants to be my Master for free in chess? (36)
*Do you learn something from chess, which you can use in real life? (34)
List of my friends (33)
Paradoxes (32)
Who can be a friend of me (32)
How did you think up your Lichess username (32)
Pizza (30)
Do you like receiving hugs (30)

Six are spam,
Twenty-three are mundane topics,
Nine are plain stupid,
Nineteen are unoriginal, repetitive topics.
It's a similar story about youtube videos. The magic of the moment isn't noticed till it's gone.

An earlier poll showed that most commenters are children, I'd guess that makes discussions less original.

What would be a good discussion topic though?

(My inability to come up with something reminds me of which might actually be pretty interesting/a good discussion topic.)
Yeah, forum is dying.
But I think the forum dying is kind of unavoidable.

See, people reply with 'There are so many threads about the same issue, so this is spam' in so many threads. But interesting or new topics, has an end. Can anyone "always" post something useful ,funny, interesting or somewhat? No, so people posts something that has been discussed or talked about, and others say it's spam. Nothing to post at all.
The Off topics in the other site is dead too. Both General Chess Discussion are dying too. Idk what is happening but people are not becoming more Social. Is there a new Social Media or Website where most netizens hangout?
I think some of the most interesting people were banned. This might seem like an overgeneralization at first but lichess isn't really a "world" community. It's more of a world community through "Liberal French Political Preferences." For example, if one were to say that Hitler was 100% evil, then that person would not get banned.....but if that same person were to say "Hey Hitler was a pretty bad guy but at the same time he opposed chemical weapons and wasn't the mass murderer that Stalin was," ...well...such a person just might get banned. Or....let's say we're talking about the Ukraine war. It's a hot topic but just to make use of a real world example in the here and now....let's say someone posts "Yeah Zalensky." Such a person would receive praise from lichess, while perhaps another person who reminds all of us of Azov's neo-nazi tendencies, Ukraine's number one suicide rate for military service people, Zalensky's 10% approval rating at the point of the Russian invasion, Ukraine's immense problems with organized crime and government corruption that have led to countries as peculiar and poor as ROMANIA to say things like "Ukraine in the EU???? NO WAY IN HELL!!!" ...such a person who reminds people of facts regardless of how revealing the point might be to a greater truth....well, ....such a person MUST GET BANNED!

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