
Is cereal soup?

@NTRlover_69 said in #7:
> A good pizza has tomato sauce right?
> It is a liquid and idk for example a margarita(i'm spanish idk how it's called in Italian) has basil (albahaca in spanish)and it is solid
> So if someone says a bowl of cereal is a soup a pizza it's also a soup

But the base of the food is not liquid,its dough and cheese,in a soup the big majority of the dish must be liquid
@Oportunist said in #11:
> But the base of the food is not liquid,its dough and cheese,in a soup the big majority of the dish must be liquid

Cereal only refers to the grain part. Milk is not cereal.
@clousems said in #12:
> Cereal only refers to the grain part. Milk is not cereal.

,the grain part is called corn flakes,when you mix it with milk it becomes cereal,have you never eaten a bowl of cereal for gods sake?
I dunno what you eat out there, but I definitely never come to eat a soup where you at.
@bendmotorindex said in #14:
> I dunno what you eat out there, but I definitely never come to eat a soup where you at.

this is the most racist tell i have seen lately,its just sad
@Oportunist said in #16:
> this is the most racist tell i have seen lately,its just sad
so , judging your soup is racist while you kill my race for an inch of ground and their soup is ok? Know what a soup is ? look Escoffier French cuisine , there is no thing racist here,
yes it's me. the friend not the racist.
@bendmotorindex said in #17:
> so , judging your soup is racist while you kill my race for an inch of ground and their soup is ok? Know what a soup is ? look Escoffier French cuisine , there is no thing racist here,

I cant tell what your talking abaut and i have never killed anyone? what country are you from?
We have a joke around about do you know the difference of a fryer and a piss pot? well, I never come eat fries then if answer is no... simply , no race involved.
@Oportunist said in #18:
> I cant tell what your talking abaut and i have never killed anyone? what country are you from?

And if I say my country you will silence, as I did cook shool...

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