
Who is "lichess-rambo"?

Played my first classical game in a long time and glanced at the analysis board after. A computer analysis had already been provided right after the game by "lichess-rambo" who does not appear to be an existing user. All I could find online was a single gist created by thibault in 2019. Who is lichess-rambo? Is that the user for lichess hosted analysis or something?

This was the game:
@Jcolemang #1

"A computer analysis had already been provided right after the game by 'lichess-rambo' who does not appear to be an existing user. All I could find online was a single gist created by thibault in 2019."

I miss a screenshot and a link in this sentence. Confused.
<Comment deleted by user>

That is interesting, I do not see that 'provided by ...' text when I request a computer analysis.

Also, I have no idea what this gist is supposed to tell me and how you got to it, did you do a Google search?

Still confused.


BUT! I can tell you, how to directly post an image: Open that image in a new tab, copy the URL, insert to forum post. You get:


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