
SquareOff Pro Lichess Integration Question

Hello all!

I recently bought the SquareOff Pro chess board. My experience has been great except for one reason. Lichess integration. The support team for SquareOff Pro is not helpful at all . I was wondering if anyone else has had trouble with Lichess integration and the Square Off app? For example, the app says my Lichess rating is 1500 and pairs me with players around 1500, which is not what I want. Has anyone had incorrect matchmaking when using the SquareOff app for Lichess?

I have the SAME problem!!!
Exactly the same! I cannot change time control sometimes, it pairs me with players of the wrong level.... terrible
@Kyu13 said in #2:
> I have the SAME problem!!!
> Exactly the same! I cannot change time control sometimes, it pairs me with players of the wrong level.... terrible
Have you heard anything about how to fix this issue?

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