
Us election

Sleepy Joe pulling all-nighters with his campaign team to steal the election. Trump is right to bring on a fight to retain his rightfully-won election
Honestly, I don’t get how people can say this sort of stuff - this is what I mean when I say that trump is a sore loser, and that his followers believe and worship anything he says, like a god. Why on earth is this election trump’s “rightfully-won” and how is Biden going to “steal the election”????
I also find it funny how Trump is saying that the election is a fraud because some votes aren’t being counted and that’s in the Democrats favour, when he is the one saying to stop the counting in states that he’s winning, such as Georgia and PA, so that he wins them!
His claims of fraud are also rather stupid. Every vote would be counted. I think it’s very childish how he cant take that he honestly is losing this election.
lets be honest here,

vote fraud would happen on the last second as you cannot correct the results once they're published
If they were to cheat they'd do it on the last hair.

This is the most bet on election in history,
and the world was never so dependent on china (which trump resists) so there's clearly a lot at stake.

I'd give the benefit of a reasonable doubt to any american president.

tldr: there's nothing childish about this election.

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