
I’m not able to move form 2150-2200

In otb games I lose to slightly higher rated players than me and in lichess I’m struggling to even progress in rating. In otb I draw a lot of games....what should I do to be better
Maybe you should try to know your Endgames a lot better (not talking about the mate-endgames or very basic endgames, but the complex ones, the ones you do not want to study) as well as looking at the Openings you play and then evaluating which structures will arise, in turn you could develop some sort of a plan-idea (basically you could create many little planss beforehand according to the structures, and in a real game you would not burn as much time on the clock, as you are already familiar wtih the strructures - and with familiar I mean very familiar!).
You should also do challenging puzzles fairly often, if you don't do this already.
And I would also suggest that you analyze games by the great players - and of course the games played by yourself, if you do not already do that.

I hope that this was useful.
I don't know, but do not worry. 2150+ the stairs are very steep already.
Im Also struck inbetween 1900 to 2200 lichess rapid... for a very long time
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@TheKingClash said in #6:
> You have been playing a lot of bullet games recently. Play slower games and take your time when moving. Use the time to think of a plan based on your strengths and your opponent's weaknesses. Read some chess books on strategy as well, and learn common rook-and-pawn endgames.
Wow the best suggestion in the world for improving your rating wow 5 star from me:
@TheKingClash said in #6:
> You have been playing a lot of bullet games recently. Play slower games and take your time when moving. Use the time to think of a plan based on your strengths and your opponent's weaknesses. Read some chess books on strategy as well, and learn common rook-and-pawn endgames.
Practice. Study. Repeat. Same thing you presumably have always been doing...
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