
Rosen Score

i have 217 rosen trophies
i completed 43% of the goals (23 out of 53)
I'm like 45% through the analysis, gonna take a shower and then post the results.
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198 Rosen Trophies and 18 goals completed.

I honestly can't believe I've never kingside nor queenside castled checkmate. It feels like I have. Hmm, I think I've had chances to do so, but since I don't like being flashy I would rather move my king up to checkmate instead of castling checkmate.
I have 187 with 18 goals (34%) in 28587 games.

Could probably get a bunch easily just by figuring out what the Egg/Cabbage/etc. openings are.
Hi could someone check mine?
For some reason when I go to another website except lichess My device gets stuck.
Must be a wifi issue
If you do pls send it in my inbox

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