
being banned for letting time expire

I'm not sure what the algorithm is for determining that a player has "let the time expire"...but if it is determined in part by considering that the player has not made a move in some n seconds .. where n is a significant portion of the total game time .. this might not make sense in bullet contexts. I received a "warning" when I let my clock go from 3 seconds to zero in a bullet game. I wasn't abusing anybody, i was struggling to find a move .. and it took more effort to let the clock count 3 seconds.
*took less effort to let the clock count 3 seconds
Meh, I agree maybe in bullet it isn't necessary. The warnings are a new feature so will probably need tweaking a little.

It's sad that these warnings are even necessary tbh but I have noticed an increase in the amount of rude behaviour recently. I read in Discord that Lichess grew 25% in the last few months. My theory is that a lot of these new players are used to playing anon where abandoning games is common.
Yep just made a post about this elsewhere.

Glad to see I'm not nuts; and its a new feature.

If you're talking about this game, you must have been thinking for 12 seconds before letting your clock run down the last 3.

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