
How good am i for my age?

Good at chess and bad at chess is very relative... Magnus Carlsen isn't that good compared to Stockfish, but a beginner is quite good compared to someone who doesn't know the rules.
Vague question, since we don't know at what age you started playin'.

But since I started playing at a very old age and have hit 2100+ here on lichess, you are not very good.
Normal...even at that age, more things to come, family, studies, friends or other hobbies that excite can surpass 1800(rapid) by end of this year
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1) Investing time & dedication
2) Thinking Habits

These are the two prerequisites. Age is something irrelevant.
But generally learning comes quicker at a young age.

If bad thinking habit is formed, changing the habit involves a good amount of time.

This applies for a kid as well as an adult!
Age doesn't matter whatever you are doing. But the things which matters is, Concentration, Dedication, Meditation for that thing ,resources and finally support.

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