
Do any good chess players use lichess?

Yes Jon Ludvig Hammer is a very good player! I enjoy watching his bullet games! He makes much better moves in 1+0 games than I do in 90+30.
Can we play Jon or other good players, or do they stick to their own?
Heh, they probably play titled players at their level
The Big Berserk himself CM Kingscrusher playing regularly in tourns.
@JOB-less #13
Most titled players here play mostly bullet chess.
However, in the Monthly and Weekly blitz tourneys you can run into FMs, CMs and NMs.

For example :
I played GM Smeets twice in one day :

A "fine loss" against IM AstanehChess :

A game against the well-known CM KC (we played 11 games) :

Also, if you like playing variants like KOTH, 3-check, and join those tourneys, you might get paired with GM Arka50 !
You can ask some of the titled players if they would play a game. Or just send a challenge.
I'm pretty sure a lot of strong players are playing here but want to stay anonymous and don't show off their title. Naiditsch seems to be one of them, but I won't tell which account it is. It became even more obvious to me when he switched federations from Germany to Azerbaidjan.

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