
I can't recover my account

@Sam_125 said in #21:
> U can reopen innumerable times (i have closed some of my alt acc's and have reopened them twice or thrice i wont mention them here)
Again. If that happened with you, it doesn’t mean that will happen with every player & every account. It should not work the way you say. Lichess clearly says that you will be able to reopen your account only once, @thibault says the same. If you don’t trust them and would like to try, feel free to try :)
But if afterwards you will get the same situation as ts has, you have to know: it could be done only once. Closing innumerable times is a bug which might already be fixed.
how do you publish a post on lichess i don't understand at all
@nguru10 said in #24:
> how do you publish a post on lichess i don't understand at all
but he has to know what to say in forums am i right
he is asking how to publish a post he should edit his post
@shreevatsag55 said in #25:
> but he has to know what to say in forums am i right
> he is asking how to publish a post he should edit his post
yeah lol he's asking how to publish a post by publishing a post if you mean a topic you want to create then go to forums click on a specific subforum and click on create new post its big and green with a pen icon next to it

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