
38 Qf8+ is a mistake, says the engine I disagree

@AsDaGo said in #10:
> This?
> I don't really see how Stockfish is a swami.

Right. It isn't.

The problem is that a lot of players regard Stockfish as a swami. What it says is then some sort of ultimate truth.

It is a very useful tool for analysis, of course. Chess journalists who annotate games have a much easier task these days than they used to. But their input is still required.
Tomato, tomatoe.

It was a winning endgame. The PC just tried to squeeze even more advantage that you already had for a super easy endgame.

It was not a bad move what you did, but its less precise than the computer.

If you were to play both endgames until a mate is reached, you would have to grind a bit more than the computer. Still the same result, but one would have 10+ more moves than the other.

By trading your pieces, you removed any actual checkmate treath with the material you had there in the short term, as the queen is always a treath.

If you wanted the most precise endgame, yes, it was a mistake. But if you just wanted to win, it was as good as any endgame that leaves you with an easy win.
@Druismat said in #1:
> Sure the enginemoves are far ahead of my nooblevel but Qf8+ seems a clear move to me. The engine recommendation 38 Re2 is not a move I would even consider
@MrPushwood said in #6:
> There are mistakes and then there are mistakes...and this one I would classify as a "mistake." ;) Often happens with the Silicon Swami btw...the more lopsided a game becomes, the more inane its comments tend to get.

As a guy in Gr. 10, if this is how hard English is going to become, later on, I better reconsider going to university...
Don't forget that engine is programmed for best response move, it will prefer forced mate in lesser moves than a longer one.
Re2 wins the rook and the engine finds forced mate in few moves.
In such winning position, engine isn’t required to be checked. Play whatever you want.

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