
How fast can you type?

You are better than 94.41% of all users (position 10229 of 182915 - last 24 hours)
"You are better than 79.91% of all users (position 36755 of 182915 - last 24 hours)" I'd have scored much better if it was in my mother tongue...
89 WPM, You are better than 95.71% of all users (position 7846 of 182915 - last 24 hours)
You are better than 94.74% of all users (position 9632 of 182972 - last 24 hours)

Random words make this difficult. If I am typing coherent sentences, I can type slightly faster. But that's not too bad.
It also helps to warm up a little.

You are better than 97.58% of all users (position 4423 of 182972 - last 24 hours)
Now, the real important question: does it have any correlation with bullet skills? :-D
Words per minute (WPM) 56
Keystrokes 292
(281 | 11)
Correct words 54
Wrong words 2
You are better than 81.65% of all users (position 33563 of 182937 - last 24 hours)

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