
Thank you!

I just want to say a big thanks to thibault and everyone who contributed even the tiniest bit of making this site
I mean if you take a step back to consider what is happening here it is close to unbelievable
A free site to play chess, and I mean totally free, without even ads!!, something which brings no apparent profit to the creators, yet they have, and still, devote time to it making it better and better all the time
Lichess birth had so much impact that it forced every other chess site to become better because of the embarassment that a newborn was already the most popular.
Yet in the long run, they won't be able to compete because there is a fundamental difference. Every other chess site(at least the more "successful" ones) was made with the purpose of making money. Lichess was made for playing, sharing, and studying chess
Who could ever achieve such a creation? Only people with great minds and even greater hearts. And having a great heart is as a rarity as having a great mind- people tend to forget that
I could go on and on forever listing the pros of lichess and the amazing goals it has already achieved( and the even more amazing that will come in the future) but honestly, it would just make this post damn huge. Instead I would just like to say THANK YOU everyone, one more time and mention one last thing
You can't please everyone. For example a day might come, when a random guy will come complaining to you about the most ridiculous stuff, without realising the reasons you took this or that decision and the benefits your decision might have. Then you can change your decision if you want or not, but you can't let yourself feeling sad and upset about the complaints of a random guy, because hey, many more random guys will come in the future so you have to be prepared :) That's all folks, and stay classy San Diego
if you are that excited, donate some money to keep this site working
vor 25 Minuten

if you are that excited, donate some money to keep this site working"

not all have money.chill

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