
Pawnstructures: Angry and disappointed Lichess Coach

I propose a different solution (unless mentioned after page 2 (sorry, I am not into reading novels). What if the site allowed titled players at least to promote their services in reply format to players asking questions. This could be done in the game analysis section for example. I often ask questions and they go unanswered. This would be a wonderful time for a coach to chime in, give some "demo" advice, and then offer up their services for further help. The person asking the question could then hire them or look for another bidder. So, a GM replying with $100/hour wouldn't get my cashola, but say a CM or NM looking to charge under $50 might. There might even be a crazy and wacky coach out there who defrays the cost for everyone by offering group lessons at say a $5-$10 rate with 4 week package deals. We could play tournaments within the same group of players and learn more.

Well, I led the horse to water. Will it drink it?
@Pawnstructures really said in #42:
>Your reply is slightly of topic since it has nothing to do with Lichess removal of the coach review section.

The reply was meant to look beyond the "trimming" of comments. I don't want to go to a coach review section with outdated info on coaches. It's great they had happy customers 5 years ago, but what have they done for us lately? If Janet Jackson can ask that, so can I.
At least we know who not to have as couches (those who quote other people)
@Pawnstructures said in #29:
> Dboing, Admins told me it was possible. Better to just revert the decision but if it's one thing i learned about human nature is that people hate to admit when they are wrong so i doubt that would ever happen in this case..

In about every case I've seen on lichess, the core lichess people always made very well thought decisions. When they are wrong they admit it and go back to the issue at hand and look for a proper solution. Even in this thread, read Nojoke's response. He said they handled it wrong. So stop being a dick by insinuating they don't revert bad decisions.

If I could replace our democracy with a benevolent dictatorship, I'd take them any day, lol.
... except no dictatorship is benevolent. A rulership that listens to the people's needs and outcries is literally not a dictatorship.
@Cedur216 said in #46:
> ... except no dictatorship is benevolent. A rulership that listens to the people's needs and outcries is literally not a dictatorship.

You cannot rule into everyone's favor if wishes are contradictory.

For example I would favor a more rigid stance against the Russian flag, but I accept lichess' stance on it. They rule against my believes/ideas, but I respect it as it is probably well thought out and has its merits as well. I am fine with this benevolent dictatorship (not that I could change it anyway, but that's not the point here).
@aescht said in #45:
> In about every case I've seen on lichess, the core lichess people always made very well thought decisions. When they are wrong they admit it and go back to the issue at hand and look for a proper solution. Even in this thread, read Nojoke's response. He said they handled it wrong. So stop being a dick by insinuating they don't revert bad decisions.
> If I could replace our democracy with a benevolent dictatorship, I'd take them any day, lol.

That you have seen. That's the crux of it. These little nazi moderators silence anything they don't personally like and remove posts that YOU don't see. You don't get neutral view of what is going on. As long as there is nothing to complain about, most will side with it being fair and just. After all, it has "li" in the site domain, and it is an org. It's not like a money hungry .com site. Right?

Well, when the site has awesome tools, you still want to use the site. I am guilty of that too. However, I don't like the non-response when appealing after a nazi mod closes an account I made or the limitations on links we can post. At least competing sites allow that.
Instead of removing the coach feedback option Lichess can adopt a "disclamer" note in the coach feedback plus add that it's the responsibility of the student to make thorough research on the potential coach's competence, etc...

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