
Which Phrase of the game is the most important and Why?

I was wondering which is the most important phrase of the game...Opening....Middle Game....Endgame??????And when Answering do say why
If u dont get out of the opening ur basically
Engame, no chance it could be anything else.
You could literally forget your prep, get slaughtered in a tactical midgame, yet still manage a draw if you know how to defend with a bishop against a rook.
Yes, I think opening is more important than midgame. Since the opening starts the game, it's quite hard to fight back if you're on the lower end in the opening, especially against higher rated players, and I think you can manage the midgame mostly by intuition if you know the plans of your opening well enough.
If you want to know how much to prepare, this is basically my percentage:
Endgame: 50%
Midgame: 15%
Opening: 35%
checkmate is the most important phrase
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Ok, so let me tell you my logic......So yes if you screw up the opening your probably dead according to you..............but there's been many time in which people won in the middle game after losing in opening
Yeah and Endgame does not always come it comes like in 55% of the games and most GM's draw in middle game or win in middlegame.........and openings are kind of unhealthy to your health.
Ok, Why Unhealthy? Because openings should be practices in DEEEEETTTTTAAAIIIILLLL....And I mean it in DETAIL so that might take a long time which means long screen time and tooooooo stressfullll
(Whoever agrees to my this message and the previous were i explained my logic...I request them to give a thumbs up :D OR Thumbs down :(()

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