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Petition to make Octopus (interactive lesson) allow more than 1 correct moves

AnalysisPuzzleSoftware DevelopmentLichess
Hi everyone, do you make puzzle-solving Studies for kids and use the Octopus a lot?

I make studies out of chess puzzles like the ones from the Chess Steps books, Susan Polgar's Learn Chess the Right Way books, John A Bain's Chess Tactics for Students, etc. and I tend to use the Interactive Lesson mode for those Studies.

Not always but sometimes, there are more than 1 correct solutions and it kinda hurts not being able to allow alternative solutions to the puzzle.

So, I would like to make this blog post and ask everyone to please make a request to the good people at Lichess to let us allow more than 1 solutions in our Octopus Studies.

Thank you everyone for your time.

P.S. It's ok if this never happens, but can we also get a Multiple Choice display for the Octopus? Like just a frame, like in Who Wants to be a Millionaire? I just type it out in the text box and that's good enough but if there's a frame for the choices it'll look more aesthetic.
Again, please ignore this extra request if it's too much.

Thank you again!