
This is me...and my life is pretty weird... (PART 3)

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Experience my life, the third time :p

Tuesday Night
So I was at my cousin’s place and suddenly, from the basement, where the toddlers were dining, we hear a thud. I went to check and no one was there!
My dad and my uncle reload shotguns and my grandfather grabs his rusty-old MK2 Marksman Rifle. They got down and another thud! Now there was me, my aunt, my mum and my grandma and the only weapon available was one sawed-off shotgun and a bunch-a knives. We went down and a guy in a black mask and a ginormous katana appeared. I tried to defend myself but I didn’t know how to turn the safety lock off! He grabs me and puts us in the storage room, locks us in and now we do not know what to do. I make sure we all are there when I realise that my little cousin is gone! My uncle removes a safety knife from his pocket and frees us all from the rope.
I throw myself (pretty chunky) to the door and the door breaks apart (*visible confusion that how was I so fat*). When we get up we see my cousin playing video games with the guy in the black mask.
My dad and uncle grab hold of him and we asked my little cousin what happened and he says “well dis guy told dat he was cracked at fortnite and saw if I bit him onse, he will free ya oll”
Then my cousin (the other twin) goes up to the guy and says “Dis is mah brother Justin, he’s taken and his cracked at fortnite m’ guy”

That’s how my Tuesday went.

See ya'll on Wednesday :]