
The Lonely One

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Do you know what it feels like to be lonely? What about extreemly lonely? Do you feel this everyday?

Let's just start with a scale of 1 to 5.

Not at all selfishKinda selfishIn between 2 & 4Very selfishInsanely selfish

Using this scale (1 being not at all and 5 being definetly), how selfish do you think it would be to ignore someone who is asking for a friend?
I would say soemthing around a 1 or 2 myself.

What if I told you that, that person is rejected all the time. What if that person never has someone to talk to.
How would you rate it now?
I would rate it an 4 or 5.

Unfortunately, many many people feel this everyday. And unfortunatly, I'm on of those people. I'm just glad that I can be a different person online. I have more friends here on lichess than in real life.

At least I have more people wanting to be my friend here on lichess than people in real life.

I'm not asking for friends. I'm stating reality. People who don't seem to fit your standard are instantly rejected. Just because someone doesn't play the same video game as you, or has a different skin colour, or likes to do different things in their free time doesn't mean they should be rejected.

Have a think now. How many people are your friends in real life?
Now think about how many people you have declined a friendship with.

I know that I only have 7 friends in real life (4 from school). I also know that I have declined a friendship with 4+ people. That figure might seem small but I'm not finished with school yet. This is only thinking of school.

Everyday I don't have anyone to talk to. Sure, I still have friends at school. Well, I'm only friends with them because they let me into their group. They saw that I needed a friend so they offered to be a friend.
This is the kind of people who I want to see in the world today. It is just such a shame that >99% of people are not like this.

This is all I ask of you. Think of someone who you know needs a friend and be their friend. Trust me, it will make their day shine.

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