
Why Doesn't Lichess Have Delay?

ChessLichessChess PersonalitiesOver the boardTournament
Delay is more common in OTB chess tournaments, but I can only use increment?


Most of you know what delay is, but this is it for those beginners: Delay is a certain amount of time before your clock time starts. For example, 3 d2 is 2 seconds before your 3 minutes start before every move.


I am sure all of you know what this is, but here is a refresher: Increment is time added to your clock after every move. One example is 3+2 is 2 seconds added to your clock after every move.

What is the Difference?

The difference is for delay, if you take shorter time to move than the delay itself, your clock time will not change. If you have increment, and you take shorter time to move than the increment itself, then whatever spare time you have will be added to your clock. For example, 10 d5 and you take 2 seconds to move, then your time is still 10 minutes. If it is 10+5, and still take 2 seconds to move, then your time is 10 minutes and 3 seconds.

Why Lichess does not have Delay?

I have no clue, but all I know is they need to add it ASAP. Delay is very common in OTB chess tournaments. This is most likely bugging players who play OTB tournaments. It could even be the reason why is so popular. Therefore, solving this is most likely going to make people more comfortable and happy. This will also make Lichess popular.

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