
Search "user:Mr_Floppy"

6 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Bug? Immediate time-out#6

There seems to be a problem with the clock. I just saw it in a few games.

Lichess Feedback - Chat facility turned off#12

My only suggestion is: turn the chat back on

Lichess Feedback - What is that chat thing all about?#1

Can anyone explain that black chat thing at the bottom of the screen?

Lichess Feedback - Can we have a "force a draw" option?#9

You can still do that, but this is another option for when people are obviously not ragequitting

Lichess Feedback - Can we have a "force a draw" option?#7

Communist that's not true. You can always fight even when you are losing (and you must). It's best to see the game to its natural conclusion. Maybe "force abort" would be better, so as not to affect a…

Lichess Feedback - Can we have a "force a draw" option?#1

Sometimes my opponents are beating me, then their internet connection goes off and my only option is to force resignation on them, or wait until the clock runs out. Either way they lose points unfairl…
