
Search "user:Kritan"

8 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Feature to hide resign button?#3

would it be possible to introduce one?

General Chess Discussion - How to qualify for the world cup?#1

Hello The world chess cup 2023 started recently and I just wanted to know how the players qualified to get there. I've heard that you need to play and qualify from Zonals and Continental Championships…

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General Chess Discussion - Endgame Puzzle#2

It’s an interesting puzzle. I got most of the moves correct.

General Chess Discussion - Tips for variants#1

Does anyone have any tips for any chess variants? (Racing kings, anti chess,horde etc)

General Chess Discussion - How many people play classical on lichess?#1

I’ve just been wondering about how popular bullet is and blitz are compared to slower time controls. My blitz rating is over 2100 and I rank around 31,200 but my classical rating is 2021 and but my ra…

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Game analysis - Blunder#4

Many Blunders
