
Search "user:CerebralAssassin19"

95 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Short survey about chess openings#9


General Chess Discussion - Cheat Infestation#53

Of course I wouldn't accuse my opponent OTB...but this is online chess.It's extremely easy to cheat here.I'm not just some paranoid fuck who accuses opponent that he cheats every time he loses. The sp…

General Chess Discussion - Cheat Infestation#51

Where did he hang a piece?It would register as a blunder if he hung something.Your logic just doesn't hold up...these guys are clearly cheating and you guys enable it. I thought this site actually had…

General Chess Discussion - Cheat Infestation#49

@lovlas Also that guy I reported had a 1300 tactics trainer rating...yet in the game was a tactical genius.Apparently that doesn't arouse suspicion either.

General Chess Discussion - Cheat Infestation#46

Well obviously I'm wasting my time on this site,since all my future reports are gonna be dismissed due to me being "paranoid''.

General Chess Discussion - Cheat Infestation#43

yeah,you're a titled player of course you can get flawless games so what,how likely is it for an untitled player against 2000+ opposition to get a flawless game? The site is riddled with cheats no one…

General Chess Discussion - Cheat Infestation#40

by the way,I have over 1000 classical games here and not once did I ever get 0-0-0 or even 1-0-0 game!So it's a coincidence these 1800-1900 players played the best game of their life against me?

General Chess Discussion - Cheat Infestation#38

He played Rd8!A full rook sac with very little thought...that takes a lot of calculation!Humans don't play like that. And not to mention those other 1-0-0 and 0-0-0 games I reported and I never got re…

General Chess Discussion - Cheat Infestation#34

I've sent heaps of cheat reports the last few weeks and all of them got ignored,so what is this about 'thousands of reports' being processed each month?Why aren't mine being processed?Can a mod shed s…

General Chess Discussion - Apparent rise in strength of opposition#3

I've noticed the same thing in classical...1700-1800 players are ridiculously strong now all of a sudden...practically gm strength...they're wiping the floor with me.Just 3 weeks ago my rating was 208…
