
Search "user:playsforfun23"

38 forum posts
Game analysis - Instructive endgame win through zugzwang!#1

A nice win by me in the endgame demonstrating patience and an instructive use of the principle of 2 weaknesses although there were many. I would like to kno…

General Chess Discussion - Can a 2400+ chess player make a living through chess?#11

Make a living? In chess that's more of an afterthought than it is actually possible since you'll have to exert lots of effort in order to attain a good amount of money to live off of. You can still ma…

General Chess Discussion - How do i find games such as Karpov, Kasparov and Carlsen? not lichess user, actual real player#6

You can find them through books or you can go to

General Chess Discussion - Importent question about patron#2

If it's with one of those credit gift cards, yes.

Off-Topic Discussion - Congrats to @german11 for hitting 1000 days played on Lichess!#5

@Le_Patzer83 Maybe but the guy seems satisfied to be at where he is.

Off-Topic Discussion - Congrats to @german11 for hitting 1000 days played on Lichess!#3

@Savage_Water True, you would think that after that many hours and more than half a million games played, he would improve. Though, as it is with most people that have a ridiculous amount of games and…

General Chess Discussion - Opinions on increment/no increment?#12

If it's for fun then I have no preference between increment or no increment, it would just depend on how much time I can allocate at that moment. However, if it is a more serious game then I would pre…

General Chess Discussion - Remember to repeat the Hikaru challenge once a month!#7

I had no idea that this was a challenge but I was able to complete in a minute. I think, I would be able to do a B+N mate in 30 seconds or so but either way, the engine is also not always the greatest…

Game analysis - Smith Morra Miniature|First time using Smith Morra in lichess classical and winning!#3

Okay after 3 tries, I figured how to embed into a post. LMAO

General Chess Discussion - How to I persuade my ignorant friend that Lichess is superior to

Why are people still on this topic? Both are fine websites to play on.
