
A nice game featuring a knight sac

My rating 1752 My opponent was 1812.
I generally play the Sicilian as black as I'm pretty comfortable with it and many of the different lines, exchange variation etc.

On move 11 d4 was intended to make room for my knight to jump into d5. I also want my opponent to be reacting to me instead of acting against me.

13... g4 was intended to either disrupt the pawn structure in front of whites king or.....

14.... Bh4 with exchanging dark squared bishops in mind and bringing my queen into the fray. I have to say white pretty much indulged my every whim instead of playing a good defence.

16.... Kf4 just to put some pressure on the knight on e2, I expected f3 in reply..

17 Kxg2 felt like a natural sac which I really didn't expect white to take me up on. 18 Qd2 seemed like the move to play to get out of the pin.

19 Kh1 baffled me, Kg1 Bf3 20 Nf4 and white is holding on.
Please excuse the Kxg2 and the others instead of N. Not sure what I was thinking.

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