
some random feature suggestions

some tournament suggestions:
- make it easier to create own tournaments
- add more options for tournaments, like custom starting position - okay there are many but why not actually add interesting endgames, even mate with 2 bishops or knights and stuff for training purposes
- why not let the tournaments have a more competetive character and make elimination/ play-off tournaments where the best 2 play in a final where people can watch
- for standard time control games make tournaments with a cool scoreboard just like it is in real tournament chess

suggestions for the site layout:
- the layout of the site is cool but with the site growing i have the feeling that it can be quite confusing. please put something else in place of the windows-like scrolldown boxes
- get more overview on the main site about whats going on right now and add options/rooms to watch where users can meet if they want (not just single rooms, add lobby)
- get more basic info stuff on the main site - about basic playing rules of the variants, about basic chess rules maybe linked with basic wiki like explanations for first time visitors

chess wiki
- any interest in someting like that? people who are new always ask these questions what is this and why is that. otherwise it would be really great to collect all the stuff somewhere, not only openings or famous chess players, variants or other stuff, just everything

other feature suggestions for chess improvement:
- vote chess game on the start page where every 10 or 5 min a new game shows up and everyone can vote for the best move
- adding chats or forum for certain positions or problems
- chess corner with chess lexicon and most important chess terminology
- most known traps and games in chess to try out and replay
- more room dedicated for commented games of yourself to help to improve
- make commented games with annotations so that everyone can actually add them (different color or so?)
- make that after a game has finished, everyone of the both players can draw arrows visible to everyone on the board

probably more things but thats just what i had in mind. perhaps the one or other thing is good and easy to do. thanks

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