
How to annotate games?

Is there a way to annotate an ongoing or completed game? That is, not by opening a new study or analysis board, but within the game URL itself.

For example, when I go to a correspondence game and switch to Analysis View, I see a "Menu" which has a toggle for including "Inline notation" - but I cannot figure out how to _add_ that inline notation. Similarly, for completed games, when I switch to Analysis View, I see an option to "Download annotated" PGN, but I cannot figure out how to add notation.

How does one add notion? Would be great to include either inline arbitrary comments, and also common algebraic notation (e.g., ?!, +/-, etc.).
Bump... I really thought this was a simple newb UI question. Surprised no answers in 2 days.

How do I add a note to a game?

For example, here is a game I played recently as white. I want to add a note after move 5, like:
"5. d3 meant to play d4"

How do I add a note for a specific move??? The huge "Notes" box to the left for Typing private notes here is not what I want.

Shift+I is not enabling anything magic...

Right-click shows only "Delete from here" and "Force variation".

What am I missing to actually add a note to a game?
@UltraSlarken said in #2:
> Bump... I really thought this was a simple newb UI question. Surprised no answers in 2 days.

I think the reason you didn't get an answer was because no one knew how to respond to this:

> not by opening a new study or analysis board, but within the game URL itself.

I don't know how to do that. Probably no one else does either.

> How do I add a note to a game?

Try pressing "analysis board." Press the hamburger menu. Press "study." Make alternate moves. And then press the speech bubble button to make notes.
You can annotate your game through the Study feature.
Please refer to the image at the following URL.
I included the URL and the image was displayed.
Please refer to the image.
I’m not sure you can did that without using a study. You can make private notes and then go back after the game. On the main page screen where the chat box is there is another tab that has notes. Click on that tab. Those are only visible to the that user. At least that way you can capture thoughts and lines that you can incorporate after the game. Not ideal but very handy.

Sorry re read your post. You already found the note box.

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