
How does Lichess rating of 2000 at 10 min map to ELO?

Lichess ratings are EXTREMELY inflated, plus they use the "Glicko Rating System".
For example my rapid rating on lichess is 1920 while on it's 1550 and on chess24 1650-1750...

True, it it does get a capital first letter, Elo.

Arpad Elo, easy name to forget, created it.

'The Elo Rating system was created in the 1960's by a Hungarian-born physics professor in which the rating was named after, Arpad Elo. As a master chess player he was looking for a better way to rate/rank chess players. It was in 1970 that the FIDE, The World Chess Federation, decided to implement...'
What you are trying to do is calculate an online rating to an OTB rating. Nether is comparable, really.
An OTB rating is also calculated based on time standards. Classical games are rated one way, 15 min and 5 min games are rated another way (Rapid and blitz)
Online gives ratings based on time standards as well, but taking into consideration that people don't take online play as serious as OTB and the high rate of cheating differs the actual rating as well as the way the rating is calculated from the first game on.
ELO and USCF ratings are also calculated differently.
The best rating to have is an International one (FIDE)
I put my actual strength at around 1900, based on the OTB rated opponents I defeated as well as my performance in the last few OTB USCF rated games I played before dropping out of tournament play.
Also take into consideration that online play is becoming much more prevalent then OTB tournaments.
Look at how many high rated and titled players are playing online in tournaments with prize money.
OTB ... an acronym for over the board, correct to capitalise
USCF ... an acronym for united states chess federation, correct to capitalise
FIDE ... an acronym for fédération internationale des échecs, correct to capitalise
ELO ... an acronym for electric light orchestra, correct to capitalise
Elo ... last name of arpad elo, capitalising makes you look like you have no idea what you are talking about.
if you make it AR, sure.

and look, you can capitalise whatever you want. you can also call the knight a horsey, that's perfectly fine. but you wrote a 182 word essay on ratings, so obviously you are trying to take them seriously. but capitalising elo the wrong way undercuts your otherwise great and serious post.

i really don't understand quite generally how the chess community is extremely obsessed with their silly little numbers – if a couple of people lose 10 glicko points because the servers go down for a minute, there's almost riots – but nobody cares if we call the fide ratings "Elu" or "Emu" or "ELO", as long as the number gets bigger.
Troll. Picking on minor grammar issues to me means you don't have enough intelligence to debate the actual issue.
What's more interesting is that my Lichess rapid rating at 2000 is at 90%, so 10% people ahead of me.
The same percentage I had at, exactly 90%.

Does anyone know what's the 90% limit at ELO (electric light orchestra)??

Could be that law of large numbers (LLN) does its thing...

"arpad elo" (sic) is incorrect. The correct way to write the name is Arpad Elo.

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