
Watkins' new research on Antichess---Analysis?

The end of an era...once it's solved, bots will *always* win.
Yep that's why I never play antichess any more. I used to play some using Nilatac lines against OSX chess AI. I want to do things in the best possible way. So there is no point for me to play it since all human players without Watkins' lines play in very deficient way. In fact the best possible way for white to play is to follow Watkins' proof lines. The best way we have for black to play is to follow Watkins' last remaining line up to the end of his line. Then use the strongest AI. Since even Watkins hasn't solved it, the white player will not play it perfectly and you may still have some chance...
Of course human vs human matches can still be interesting but I will not personally participate in it except for what Watkins and other researchers have not done yet.

We should have an alternative antichess match...not from the beginning but from the end of Watkins' last remaining line(s).
Now that antichess is so close to solved, everyone can move on to the not solved, but still extremely forcing, variant of atomic.

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