
960 castling -- A REAL, PERMANENT ANSWER??

Isaiah, why would we go into your game and castle queenside? You castled queenside. It worked fine? You've lost me.

As for the rest, the only question I have, was this an issue on the mobile app? If not, then I'm really not sure what hardware would have to do with anything, but if you're getting shadow screens and other graphical glitches, there's a good possibility you have something wrong, and that could perhaps be causing issues with the interface.
">I only wish that when I did my 'casual - test game' with Dionysus_god that I had asked him to go to the analysis screen to see if HE could castle with my position...

I'm confused... you played a casual game against yourself?"

I played a live game with him, and was able to castle where he said he could not.

Later (page 2) I found that the analysis board doesn't allow "king over rook" castling, and couldn't castle using "king to destination" because in that particular game the king's destination square was only one square away, and it registered as a simple king move. Here is a game where castling kingside is impossible under analysis>

So now we know that the analysis board doesn't allow "king over rook" castling, which can (rarely) make castling impossible (only under analysis).

But I have yet to play a live game in which using the "king over rook" method fails.
I remember another site where you still could correct the Kfg error by moving the R to f directly after

I thaught i noticed here stg with the 960 castle
___ Static... There is some confusion. In the active game with doogans -- where I am experiencing the problem -- I have not castled at all (in the analysis screen I can castle king-side but not queen side). No, I only play from my home PC
___ THANK YOU again for taking an interest and following through.
Dionyus_god has come up with an excellent idea: I will go back through my completed games and try to find one of the games where I have had the problem.... This should help with the diagnosis...
"I remember another site where you still could correct the Kfg error by moving the R to f directly after
I thought i noticed here stg with the 960 castle"

No. Try it for yourself>

It's impossible to castling kingside there, for the reason explicated in #19 and #32.
Isaiah, I am not sure what to tell you. I can't do anything to play a move in your game until it's finished. I don't believe the board editor supports 960. I'd need a FEN to play from that position, which can't be gotten until the game is completed.

Maybe a coder is able to do that? I don't know.

____ This is the ? FEN for the 960 game I just ended with doogans. I was NOT ABLE TO CASTLE KING OR QUEEN SIDE in the analysis board. I WAS able to castle King side on the live board.
(since it was a correspondence game with a 'stranger' I was unable to test if Queen side castling was possible 'live')
Correct, and I've documented the castling error with the analysis board in 960 games on github. Never hurts to have more confirmation though.

However, I'm sorry that no one else is able to reproduce the problems you seem to have in live games. No one else is reporting said live problems, either. We have found and confirmed the analysis board error and it's been documented for the devs to test and patch. But, I really just don't know what else we can do to help you here. I honestly can't even think of an issue that would create a single circumstantial glitch for a single user like that where every other element of the game works for you except for 960 castling under certain conditions, so I'm not sure how to even begin helping you test the problem locally. Maybe start by disabling some extentions, or reinstalling your browser? Maybe if it happens again, refresh the page and try it again? I'm really sorry I don't know the solution, but it seems to be a local issue.
That's cool --- with all the other things going on it is a backburner issue. The string is there for future reference as you requested
I also noticed that you couldn't castle in analysis mode. For most positions the problem has been fixed, but in starting position 804 it's not possible to castle queenside (kingside works though).

Link to the game:

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